November 10, 2020

Join the #31strong Challenge for a Head Start to 2021

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Join the #31strong Challenge for a Head Start to 2021


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31 Days to End the Year Strong. The challenge starts December 1!

I think we can all agree that 2020 has been quite the year. Between the COVID-19 pandemic, social unrest, the presidential election and other events around the world, it has been a challenging year for many.

As 2020 gets ready to come to a close, I am looking forward to reflecting back on my year and preparing for what’s next. No matter what transpired throughout the past 11 months, shifting to a more positive, forward-looking mindset puts me in the right headspace before the new year begins.

Plus, let’s be honest – there’s a lot of things I don’t want to bring into the new year with me so it is essential I close those tasks out.

That’s why I am inviting you to join me in the #31strong challenge!

I know it can feel overwhelming when you look at how little time is left in the year and still feel like you have so much you want to do. I get it – I’ve been there.

Setting good goals and doing what you say you are going do creates habits that will kickstart your new year. My #31strong challenge provides you with a calendar breaks tasks down into daily tidbits that you can easily achieve to feel accomplished, productive and set to take 2021 head on.

Here’s how it works.

  • Head over to our registration page where you can join the challenge for free.
  • After registering, you will be able to download your #31strong calendar.
  • For each day of December, there is a prompt for you to complete. Some are reflective, while others are more forward-focused.
  • If you are a visual person like me, then you’ll agree there is nothing more satisfying than crossing something off when it’s complete. So, at the end of each day, you will put a big X on the calendar, indicating you are one day closer to finishing the year strong.
  • By the end of December, you will have reflected on 2020, closed on important tasks you needed to complete and set measurable goals for the start of the year.
  • Share your progress with us on Instagram by tagging us @the_kore_co and using the hashtag #31strong.

It’s that simple!

Be sure to register before the challenge start date on December 1, 2020!

Together we will enter 2021 with a positive mindset ready to take our business and our career to the next level!

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